Tuesday, February 9, 2010

snow rant... but not about the snow

actually I am loving the snow! But I am tired of reading in comments people who say "im from NY-Iowa-the midwest-blah" and say geez this in winter you need to buck up.... the fact is that this is not our usual winter, and no one in DC is really truly complaining, thought im sure even the most die hard snow fan (like me) is wondering just when we might get a few days to run errands... and the whole snow week off Im sure if affecting people's work and pay... and im sure we all cheered in DC when Obama referred this weekend to the areas nickname for the storm "snowmageddon", but most of us didnt think of the fact that a- the rest of the nation would credit him with that nickname (f** you nation we were toying that around back in December) and b- disparage HIM because of our nickname for the storm...
so for all you naysayers out there, take a look at this: http://dcist.com/2010/02/dc_area_now_claims_second_highest_s.php
if you look at the average for this time of year you will notice that we do not belong on this list...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Support group for the unemployed

So my LA friend is now unemployed as well. We have decided to start a blog about our job search efforts, and put out tips for job hunting in this crappy market.
Heres the link: http://unemployementanonymous.blogspot.com/

Had an interview this week with a temp agency, it seems to have gone well. Much better than my interview with a temp agency last month where I showed up after going to sleep around 5 am because of bad decisions with S.

And I am happy to report that on Friday I will have gone to my 4th weekly Pilates class! Yea for following through with things, this is definitely a first for me :P

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Years Resolutions and other things to break

So in keeping with my New Years Resolution that I decided on the beginning of December and then promptly forgot/ignored, I am going to start keeping this thing real... if only to get me in the mood to write about the Real Real World DC (what do you get when you put 3 Brazilians and 2 Americans together in a house in Del Ray!) and my island alter ego.

I applied to 2 jobs today. That was good. I do not enjoy writing cover letters and the more I want the job and/or am qualified for the job, the harder it seems to be. So then I just ignore the job and seek out other positions for which I am wholly unqualified for and/or have no interest in doing for longer than say a day. I do enjoy when they say they are looking for people with certain attributes. I also enjoy when ad's are poorly written or have grammatical errors. Those tend to be the ones asking for writing samples. Maybe they are looking to replace their position ad writers...
But heres a gem: "Competencies to perform job successfully, an individual should demonstrates the following competencies:"
And then they go on to list things like dependability, and quality, initiative, and problem solving. How do you address those things? I problem solve all the time.
Like today when I didnt know what to have for lunch, I addressed the problem, identified solutions and then made a decision.

I would have a drink to celebrate my applying to 2 jobs, or to mourn my empty yahoo job applying inbox, but we dont have any coke and we have this handle of captain that is just staring at me.

In Real Real World DC News, C and L went to Costco today and bought food. I love food day. They also bought milk. I am readying myself for the milk wars that happen every month. We all seem to lean towards 2% milk, except for S who will not drink it. Also since all he eats is cereal and everyone else uses milk for cooking, his milk tastes seem to be a little more pertinent. Except I am the only one who knows this. And so he will go out and buy A & D milk. And then L and G will complain, and possibly C too, why did he go buy milk. We already have milk. Now we have too much milk. And they will sit and discuss the milk issue
like old woman gossiping at the salon, but will never ask S why he bought another thing of milk.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

New blog location

Sad :( I leave in 12 days. But before I leave I still have to pack everything up like crazy! Which is kinda scary! But enough with the exclamation marks. I now present to you www.mytb.org/dc-gypsy!!
Now its of course not very exciting yet... ya know since i havent even left yet, but all my photos, random musings, and misadventures will be recorded here in one easy spot! Aint technology grand.

I'm going to put the link on facebook as well.

Eu vou para praia!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Two weeks to go

Two weeks to go. Its cold here, and I can not wait for some fun in the sun, with my rum :D

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

50 days

and thus starts the countdown... 50 days until i leave, 3 weeks until my last day at the House of Freedom. Im so excited! But still cant quite believe its real.
But what better time to leave the country than now... i mean it is quite possible the DOW could go negative... i mean how would that look if we were paying companies to hold stock in them! we would be the laughing stock, oh those dumb americans :P
anyways, still have things to do! Must get health insurance, mail in my certification card for SCUBA, get my TEFL certificate, and something else!
anywho, i promise this will get more exciting! :D

Monday, October 13, 2008

Adventures in adventure planning

So I joined couchsurfers, which is an awesome network of travelers. Its amazing how many people are traveling the world right now. People who are gone for 6 months, 7 months, 11 months. Heck even a year and a half!
The more I think about this, the more excited I get. And I think im actually doing it the right way, I have no dates no itinerary. The only thing for sure is I go to Roatan January 1st.